Sewage and Water


Environmental Health Specialists (EHS’s) in the Rappahannock Area Health District (RAHD) work to protect drinking water and groundwater resources by ensuring proper handling and disposal of sewage and protection of drinking water supplies. A few examples of how public health is monitored and/or protected by EHS’s include:

  • The issuance of sewage disposal system construction permits and the inspection of newly installed sewage disposal systems (and/or septic repairs) to ensure they are located and constructed properly.
  • The issuance of construction permits for private wells (drinking water, irrigation and/or agricultural) to make sure they are located and constructed properly.
  • The inspection and permitting of businesses (sewage handlers) that pump septic tanks and/or portable toilets and dispose of sewage.
  • The investigation of reports and/or complaints of sewage or other kinds of groundwater and/or surface water contamination. The investigation usually leads to corrective actions, such as necessary septic repairs.

Septic Malfunctions and/or Failures

VDH defines a true septic malfunction and/or failure as sewage surfacing and/or backing up into the dwelling. If you have witnessed a septic malfunction, please contact your local Health Department immediately to report the malfunction. Each Health Department office will be able to provide you with a list of Private Onsite Soil Evaluators (OSEs) that can help evaluate your existing septic system, determine the appropriate septic repairs and/or upgrades, and provide you with a septic permit package to be provided to the Health Department for review and issuance of a septic permit (repair, voluntary upgrade, septic expansion, new build).

If you have questions regarding your septic system and/or private well(s), please contact your local Health Department. This includes requesting records on your existing septic system and/or private wells (i.e., septic system as-built drawings, well logs, recent repairs, etc.).

RAHD Environmental Health Department Offices:

City of Fredericksburg – (540) 899-4796 (septic/well records maintained by Stafford County office)

Caroline County – (804) 633-6237

King George County – (540) 775-3111

Spotsylvania County – (540) 507-7386

Stafford County – (540) 288-9018


If you would like to request septic and/or well records for a property located in the Rappahannock Area Health District, please use the following link:

Forms & Documents

VDH Onsite Sewage and Well Construction Application

Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations

Private Well Regulations

Alternative Sewage Disposal Regulations

RAHD Operation Permit Checklist

2018 Septic Maintenance Flyer

Alternative Systems Operations and Maintenance FAQs

Operation & Maintenance Providers

RAHD Well Driller List

RAHD OSE List _ Rev 8-20-24

Onsite Sewage and Well Application Fees (Effective July 1, 2019) *

Application Type  Fee 
Construction permit for treatment works only, no OSE/PE documentation $425
Combined well and treatment works construction permit, no OSE/PE documentation $725
Certification letter with OSE/PE documentation,  <= 1,000 gpd $320
Certification letter with OSE/PE documentation, > 1,000 gpd $1,400
Construction permit for only treatment works with OSE/PE documentation, <= 1,000 gpd $225
Construction permit for only treatment works with OSE/PE documentation, > 1,000 gpd $1,400
Combined well and treatment works construction permit with OSE/PE documentation,  <= 1,000 gpd $525
Combined well and treatment works construction permit with OSE/PE documentation, > 1,000 gpd $1,700
Private well only, with or without OSE/PE documentation $300
New Fee Effective 7/1/19:  Repair permit for a treatment works, < 1,000 gpd without OSE/PE documentation $425
New Fee Effective 7/1/19:  Repair permit for a treatment works,< 1,000 gpd with OSE/PE documentation $225
New Fee Effective 7/1/19:  Repair permit for a treatment works, > 1,000 gpd with OSE/PE documentation $1,400
New Fee Effective 7/1/19:  Voluntary Upgrade for a treatment works, < 1,000 gpd with OSE/PE documentation $225
New Fee Effective 7/1/19:  Voluntary Upgrade for a treatment works, > 1,000 gpd with OSE/PE documentation $1,400
New Fee Effective 7/1/19:  Safe, adequate, and proper evaluation without OSE/PE/Installer/Operator documentation $150
New Fee Effective 7/1/19: Safe, adequate, and proper evaluation with OSE/PE/Installer/Operator documentation $100

*These state fees do not include county fees that are to be paid to the county treasurer. Contact your local Health Department to acquire about county fees (if applicable).

Beginning July 11, 2019, applicants seeking evaluation and design services from VDH must submit a petition for VDH services and must meet means testing criteria or the VDH Hardship Guidelines.

Applicants whose family income falls below the Federal Poverty Guidelines are eligible for a fee waiver. Applicants for onsite sewage system repairs or voluntary upgrades whose family income falls below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines will be eligible for a fee waiver. Contact your local Health Department for more information.

VDH’s Septic and Well Assistance Program
The Virginia Department of Health received a $11.5 million allocation in the Governor’s Budget Bill approved on August 10, 2021 to help low-income homeowners repair or replace well and septic systems. The allocation is part of the Commonwealth’s funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).  The Office of Environmental Health Services (OEHS) is using those ARPA funds through the Septic and Well Assistance Program (SWAP), which to assist homeowners with incomes at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines.

NOTICE:  SWAP applications for direct projects closed on September 2, 2022.  This is to ensure that all project applications received on or before that date are fully funded.

If you are an individual homeowner and are experiencing issues with your septic system, do not currently have a septic system (e.g. using a straight pipe) or are experiencing inadequate private drinking water issues, please share this information with VDH’s Septic and Well Assistance Program by filling out the interest form and emailing it to or share the form with your local health department. Please note, submission of an interest form is not an application for funding and does not guarantee future funding for your project.
SERCAP’s Individual Household Well & Septic Loan products, which are underwritten by USDA Rural Development, provide Low-Interest (1%) Loans to Eligible Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) Homeowners for the repair or replacement of an Individual Household Well or Septic System.


Last Updated: August 21, 2024