Virginia State Health Commissioner’s Annual Decision Regarding the Ballad Health Cooperative Agreement
Pursuant to 12VAC5-221-110(F), the State Health Commissioner (Commissioner) is required to issue an annual written decision, and a basis for that decision, as to whether the benefits of a cooperative agreement continue to outweigh the disadvantages attributable to a reduction in competition. The Annual Assessments are intended to satisfy this requirement for the Ballad Health Cooperative Agreement.
Virginia Department of Health Annual Assessment |
Cooperative Agreement.Virginia State Health Commissioner FY2019 Annual Report and Determination |
Cooperative Agreement.Virginia State Health Commissioner FY2020 Annual Report and Determination |
Ballad Health Cooperative Agreement Metrics Dashboard
The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has developed an interactive dashboard to display metrics submitted by Ballad Health. The dashboard currently includes quality of care data submitted by Ballad Health. VDH plans on adding additional metrics to the dashboard over time.