Information for Community Partners
This page houses resources and information specific to Division of Disease Prevention (DDP) partner agencies and community partners. This could include a funded sub-recipient/contractor, or an organization that has an agreement with VDH DDP. If you are looking for a resource that is not available on this page or you believe the resource is outdated, please contact your contract administrator or specific contact at DDP.
Resources on this page are organized by content type. There is also a page that has communications resources (such as publications and reports) and resources specific to healthcare professionals. You can find these pages via our main navigation.
HIV Care Services (HCS)
HIV Care Services has its own set of pages with information and resources.
Page Updates
The Partner Updates page has been removed, as most information coming from DDP is shared directly through emails or the monthly DDP Ebulletin. Any updates for partner agencies, including when items are added to this page, will be shared in this space.
- Update: Added the information for the DDP Information and Design Review Panel. Basics and FAQ document were added. Fillable submission form added. Excel sheet of approved materials during test/transition period added.
- Update: The Condom Distribution Program section has been updated with new information and ordering forms.
- Update: The HIV and Hepatitis Prevention Contractor Manual has been added to the General Partner Agency Resource section.
- Budget Reallocation Request in Microsoft Excel format
- CDC MRP Approval Form > Please see IDRP section below
- Coordination of Care and Services Agreement Form (CCSA): This form allows the client and the agency that provides services to identify and select available community resources. The goals are to help coordinate services, assist with closing the referral loop, and allow for easier linkages to care.
- DDP Mailing Policy
- DDP Monthly Request for Payment Template in Microsoft Excel format
- DDP Security and Confidentiality Policies and Procedures
- E2Virginia Access Request Form (Form for Non-DDP Employees)
- HHP Contractor Guidelines
- HIV/Hepatitis Team Administrative Portal
- Literature Request Form
- Virginia Partner Navigation List (Updated 11/26/19)
- Virginia Transgender Resource and Referral List
The following links will help navigate subrecipients to specific HIV Care Services pages:
- HIV Testing & Screening Law - Effective July 1, 2008
- HIV Testing in Virginia - Frequently Asked Questions (Updated July 1, 2008)
- Virginia Department of Health HIV Testing Quality Assurance Manual (2022 Edition)
- STD Testing Guidance for Non-Clinical Settings During Testing Kit Shortages
- Quality Assurance Manual for Laboratory Testing in the Community Setting (for Community Based Organizations)
- Contact Brianna Carey at for STD testing questions
Condom Distribution Program
DDP organizes and distributes free condoms through a free program - the DDP Condom Distribution Program. This program is aimed at reducing HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in Virginia through free and accessible condom access.
There are currently over partner agencies in the program that receive condoms from VDH. Both local health districts and community partners are able to enroll in this program. Organizations that participate in the program may order up to 100,000 condoms a year. Agencies with multiple locations/sites may be approved to order more. Smaller quantities of specialty condoms such as insertive, non-latex, and Trojan condoms are also available.
If your organization is interested in becoming a distribution site through the VDH Condom Distribution Program, please contact Sarah Lannon, Hotline Supervisor, at for a program agreement form. If you are already a participating agency and need to order more condoms, find the order forms below.
Contact Sarah if you have any questions about the program or the order forms. Please follow the instructions on the order form to complete the form and return them electronically to the Hotline Supervisor.
- VDH Condom Order Form
- Used for most condom orders (less than 3,000 condoms); will ship to you from VDH Central Office (Word File)
- VDH Bulk Condom Order Form
- Used ONLY for bulk orders (3,000+ condoms); return to VDH, will ship to you directly from Global Protection (Excel File)
- VDH Condom Order Form
Note: Please complete and submit forms using the file format they are created in (Word or Excel); we CANNOT accept or process orders via fax, copied and pasted into an email, or as a PDF.
Training and Technical Assistance
Virginia HIV/AIDS Resource and Consultation Center (VHARCC) works with health care providers, community-based AIDS service organizations, government agencies, professional associations, and academic and community health care centers to offer multidisciplinary education programs and consultations on HIV/AIDS-related issues.
The DDP offers a range of services and workshops to enhance community-based organization infrastructure and delivery of evidence-based HIV prevention interventions. Training topics may include high impact interventions, public health strategies, grant writing, fiscal management, transgender health, or faith-based initiatives.
For a full list of high impact interventions and public health strategies, visit the Effective Interventions website.
Community-based organizations funded by VDH to provide HIV prevention interventions may also access capacity building and technical assistance from a national network of providers through CDC’s Capacity Building Assistance Program (CBA). To request CBA, contact your VDH contract monitor.
Training Recording: DDP Funding Opportunities
Description: This is a recording of the DDP Funding Opportunities Training. The training is for all members of the public who are interested in pursuing funding, the training details best practices for any organization.
- Video Link:
Resource Connections
The Division of Disease Prevention maintains an online web-based, searchable directory for community resources. The directory allows users to search for services and provides information about eligibility requirements, intake procedures, and documentation and/or fees associated with each service location.
Community organizations that are already included in the directory can create an account on the site and submit corrections through the site. Subrecipients of DDP are required to have a Resource Connections account setup and to update their agency details annually.
VDH Resource Connections can be accessed at
Feedback and questions on the directory should be submitted to Sarah Lannon at
Learning Tools
Find the one-page directions or previous training slides for instructions on how to create your Resource Connections account or edit your account details
DDP Provide System
Certain DDP subrecipients are required to enter their data into the DDP Provide system per their contract.
For resources such as access forms, instructions, recorded webinars, and more, please visit the DDP Provide System page.
On this page you can also access training resources, the user manual, and more.
DDP Information and Design Review Panel (IDRP)
Internal DDP programs and funded agencies must submit their designed materials for review by the DDP IDRP. The DDP IDRP is the Virginia CDC-mandated Materials Review Panel. This review is specific to materials that have a direct cost associated with it, or an item created for educational purposes.
Items will be reviewed for
- scientific/information accuracy,
- design elements,
- 508 standards,
- correct program information,
- spelling/grammar, and
- appropriateness for the intended audience.
To submit a document, please click on the button below to download the submission form. Complete the form and return it along with your submission(s) to Chris Barnett, PR Coordinator, at
Allow for two weeks for review of your material(s).