HIV Care Services

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH), Division of Disease Prevention has administered Ryan White Part B funding for HIV care services to persons living with HIV/AIDS in Virginia since 1991.  A major part of Part B funding is the Virginia Medication Assistance Program (VA MAP) that provides medications for low-income, uninsured individuals with HIV/AIDS.  The remaining funds provide HIV care services, targeted to deliver medical care and support services to eligible individuals living with HIV/AIDS.  Ryan White funding is the payer of last resort.

Use the navigation at the top of the page to access other HIV Care Services pages, including the VA MAP web page for Medicaid and ACA Open Enrollment Updates.  

Important Update:
VA MAP is changing how uninsured clients (Direct Medication Assistance Program clients) access medications.  This change will be effective February 1, 2025.  Please click here .

Open Enrollment 2025

The 2025 open enrollment periods for Medicare and Affordable Care Act (ACA) coverage have begun.  This year all eligible Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part B (RWHAP B) clients seeking premium and/or copay assistance with either coverage type must contact the program's enroller assister, Benalytics, directly.  Clients who do not work directly with Benalytics will only be eligible to receive medications through the uninsured program.  An initial informational flyer was mailed to clients in August 2024.

The dates for Medicare open enrollment are October 15 - December 7.

To receive co-pay and/or premium assistance, clients must give 2025 Medicare prescription drug plan documents to Benalytics directly.  Benalytics can also help clients enroll in a plan or change plans.

The dates for ACA open enrollment period are November 1 - January 15.

Clients should not allow their 2024 coverage to auto-renew for 2025.  Eligible clients must use Benalytics to enroll in ACA insurance through the Virginia Insurance Marketplace (VIM).  Benalytics must be listed as the agent of record on each client's enrollment account.

Policy Announcement

Effective May 06, 2022.

Virginia Ryan White Part B Unified Eligibility Policy & Procedures

We have exciting news! The Virginia Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B (RWHAP B) implemented Unified Eligibility (UE) that will have clients conduct eligibility every 24 months for all RWHAP B services, including ADAP services coordinated through VA MAP. This is a major policy and procedure shift for RWHAP B client eligibility as this removes the 6-month recertification requirement and changes client eligibility to a 24-month period. Clients and providers no longer have to do four eligibility assessments per year! Agencies not contracted with the Virginia RWHAP B program are not able to conduct these client assessments at this time, but can make referrals to the agencies that can.

Documents related to the UE policy and procedures are listed below.

Policy Highlights

♦ This policy replaces any prior policies and guidance regarding Virginia’s RWHAP B and VA MAP client eligibility processes. For the Full Unified Eligibility Policy and Procedures please click here.

♦ Virginia RWHAP B clients will need to verify their eligibility status every 24 months.  The new process does not require 6-month recertifications. These changes align with the requirements and flexibilities in HRSA’s PCN #21-02.

♦ VDH requires RWHAP B-contracted agencies to conduct period checks called Client Access Reviews (CARs) for anything that potentially changes the client’s eligibility for services. Subrecipients will need to document CARs and upload any changes discovered that affect client eligibility into Provide® within 7 days.

♦ Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agencies will conduct all client eligibility assessments for all RWHAP B services, including ADAP. To access a list of these contracted agencies please click here for the VDH Resource Connection website.

♦ Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agencies will use the state’s new client-level data system called Provide Enterprise®. These contracted agencies must create client records and upload supportive documentation that supports each eligibility criterion which remains the same for VA RWHAP B. At this time, if agencies are not a Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agency, then they will not have access to Virginia RWHAP B's Provide Enterprise® system. Virginia will explore this possibility with the system’s vendor for future integration. For information about the Virginia Provide Enterprise® system, please click here.

♦ Eligibility criteria includes: Proof for Virginia residency; Household income at or below 500% of FPL; Insurance coverage status for services requested to help ensure RWHAP is payer of last resort; and One-time proof of a diagnosis with HIV disease documented. See the new and updated Supportive Documentation for Unified Eligibility Checklist by clicking here.

♦ As of May 09, 2022 and going forward, VA MAP will no longer process eligibility assessments for medication access. Through UE, VA MAP will be reviewing eligibility assessments to determine the appropriate VA MAP service option for a client to access their medication. Eligibility for medication access will be determined through the eligibility assessments conducted by a Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agency. To access a list of these contracted agencies please click here for the VDH Resource Connection website.

Virginia RWHAP B eligibility and non-RWHAP B agencies

Agencies not contracted with Virginia RWHAP B to provide services cannot conduct unified eligibility assessments at this time.  If an agency provides services from other RWHAPs A, C, and/or D and does not contract with Virginia RWHAP B, then the agency must refer clients to these Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agencies to conduct eligibility assessments for any Part B services, including ADAP.  Clients can also contact any of the contracted agencies of their choice to complete their eligibility assessment for Part B services. Anyone can access a list of these contracted agencies by clicking here for the VDH Resource Connection website.

Resources for Virginia Ryan White Service Providers

Last Updated: February 4, 2025