The Virginia Department of Health (VDH), Division of Disease Prevention has administered Ryan White Part B funding for HIV care services to persons living with HIV/AIDS in Virginia since 1991. A major part of Part B funding is the Virginia Medication Assistance Program (VA MAP) that provides medications for low-income, uninsured individuals with HIV/AIDS. The remaining funds provide HIV care services, targeted to deliver medical care and support services to eligible individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Ryan White funding is the payer of last resort.
Use the navigation at the top of the page to access other HIV Care Services pages, including the VA MAP web page for Medicaid and ACA Open Enrollment Updates.
Open Enrollment 2025
The 2025 open enrollment periods for Medicare and Affordable Care Act (ACA) coverage have begun. This year all eligible Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part B (RWHAP B) clients seeking premium and/or copay assistance with either coverage type must contact the program's enroller assister, Benalytics, directly. Clients who do not work directly with Benalytics will only be eligible to receive medications through the uninsured program. An initial informational flyer was mailed to clients in August 2024.
The dates for Medicare open enrollment are October 15 - December 7.
To receive co-pay and/or premium assistance, clients must give 2025 Medicare prescription drug plan documents to Benalytics directly. Benalytics can also help clients enroll in a plan or change plans.
The dates for ACA open enrollment period are November 1 - January 15.
Clients should not allow their 2024 coverage to auto-renew for 2025. Eligible clients must use Benalytics to enroll in ACA insurance through the Virginia Insurance Marketplace (VIM). Benalytics must be listed as the agent of record on each client's enrollment account.
Policy Announcement
Effective May 06, 2022.
Virginia Ryan White Part B Unified Eligibility Policy & Procedures
We have exciting news! The Virginia Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B (RWHAP B) implemented Unified Eligibility (UE) that will have clients conduct eligibility every 24 months for all RWHAP B services, including ADAP services coordinated through VA MAP. This is a major policy and procedure shift for RWHAP B client eligibility as this removes the 6-month recertification requirement and changes client eligibility to a 24-month period. Clients and providers no longer have to do four eligibility assessments per year! Agencies not contracted with the Virginia RWHAP B program are not able to conduct these client assessments at this time, but can make referrals to the agencies that can.
Documents related to the UE policy and procedures are listed below.
- Full Unified Eligibility Policy and Procedures please click here.
- Updated Supportive Documentation for Unified Eligibility Checklist please click here.
- Updated Form for No-income Letter Documentation click here for English or click here for Spanish.
Policy Highlights
♦ This policy replaces any prior policies and guidance regarding Virginia’s RWHAP B and VA MAP client eligibility processes. For the Full Unified Eligibility Policy and Procedures please click here.
♦ Virginia RWHAP B clients will need to verify their eligibility status every 24 months. The new process does not require 6-month recertifications. These changes align with the requirements and flexibilities in HRSA’s PCN #21-02.
♦ VDH requires RWHAP B-contracted agencies to conduct period checks called Client Access Reviews (CARs) for anything that potentially changes the client’s eligibility for services. Subrecipients will need to document CARs and upload any changes discovered that affect client eligibility into Provide® within 7 days.
♦ Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agencies will conduct all client eligibility assessments for all RWHAP B services, including ADAP. To access a list of these contracted agencies please click here for the VDH Resource Connection website.
♦ Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agencies will use the state’s new client-level data system called Provide Enterprise®. These contracted agencies must create client records and upload supportive documentation that supports each eligibility criterion which remains the same for VA RWHAP B. At this time, if agencies are not a Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agency, then they will not have access to Virginia RWHAP B's Provide Enterprise® system. Virginia will explore this possibility with the system’s vendor for future integration. For information about the Virginia Provide Enterprise® system, please click here.
♦ Eligibility criteria includes: Proof for Virginia residency; Household income at or below 500% of FPL; Insurance coverage status for services requested to help ensure RWHAP is payer of last resort; and One-time proof of a diagnosis with HIV disease documented. See the new and updated Supportive Documentation for Unified Eligibility Checklist by clicking here.
♦ As of May 09, 2022 and going forward, VA MAP will no longer process eligibility assessments for medication access. Through UE, VA MAP will be reviewing eligibility assessments to determine the appropriate VA MAP service option for a client to access their medication. Eligibility for medication access will be determined through the eligibility assessments conducted by a Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agency. To access a list of these contracted agencies please click here for the VDH Resource Connection website.
Virginia RWHAP B eligibility and non-RWHAP B agencies
Agencies not contracted with Virginia RWHAP B to provide services cannot conduct unified eligibility assessments at this time. If an agency provides services from other RWHAPs A, C, and/or D and does not contract with Virginia RWHAP B, then the agency must refer clients to these Virginia RWHAP B-contracted agencies to conduct eligibility assessments for any Part B services, including ADAP. Clients can also contact any of the contracted agencies of their choice to complete their eligibility assessment for Part B services. Anyone can access a list of these contracted agencies by clicking here for the VDH Resource Connection website.
Resources for Virginia Ryan White Service Providers
- For Grant Year starting on April 1st:
- HCS Invoice Template: VA RWHAP B Invoice Template (rev. Jan 2025) (revised 01/16/2025)
- HCS Subrecipient Budget Template: Subrecipient VA RWHAP B Budget Workbook (rev. Oct 2024) (revised 10/02/2024)
- HCS Vendor Budget Template: Vendor VA RWHAP B Budget Workbook (rev. Oct 2024) (revised 10/02/2024)
- HCS Work Plan Template: Virginia Ryan White Part B Work Plan (rev. Jan 2023) (revised 01/25/2023)
- Budget Reallocation Form
- Subrecipient Annual Progress Report Template (rev. 02/15/22)
- RWHAP B Subrecipient Quarterly Report Template (rev. Oct 2021)
- Ryan White Part B Formulary Invoice Form
- Insurance Enrollment Tracking Log
- 2019 Insurance Enrollment Form
- Business Associate Agreement (BAA) (Revised March 2018)
- Verification of Receipt and Assurance of Key Requirements for Non-DDP Personnel
- Assurances-Non Allowable Use of RW Funds
- Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
- Certification Regarding Lobbying
- FFATA Reporting Form_(Revised March 2018)
- Fuel Card Log
- Eligibility Verification Form for Reimbursement
- *Updated* FPL Income Requirements for Virginia Ryan White Part B (effective January 2025)
- Ryan White Part B Formulary Policy (revised March 2023)
- Ryan White Part B Formulary (revised June 2023)
- VDH Ryan White Part B Service Unit Definitions (revised January 2023)
- Ryan White Part B Case Management Standards (revised December 2022)
- HRSA Ryan White Program Service Definition
- Expanded Use of Emergency Financial Assistance for Medication Access in Virginia updated
- 2016 HCS Subrecipient Guidelines
- Outpatient Reimbursement for Ambulatory HIV Medical Care and Labs Policy
- Outpatient Reimbursement for Ambulatory HIV Medical Care and Lab Rate Schedule_GY2018
- Final DDP Security and Confidentiality Policies and Procedures
- HRSA/HAB Ryan White Part B Monitoring Standards (HRSA website)
Virginia Ryan White Part B Quality Management Plan
2024 (New) | CQM Plan Review Checklist Template (New) | 2023 | 2022 | 2021
Virginia Ryan White Part B Quality Management End of Year Report
Quality Management Advisory Committee (QMAC)
Overview | QMAC Orientation Manual | QMAC Workshop Slides | Ryan White Cross Parts Framework Statement
QMAC Newsletters
August 2021 |February 2021 | August 2020 | February 2020 |
Peer Review Year End Final Report
QMAC Meeting Agendas
QMAC Meeting Minutes
Virginia Ryan White HIV/AIDS Cross Parts
Virginia HIV Care Continuum Data
August 2021 | February 2021 | February 2020 | November 2019 | August 2019
Virginia Ryan White Part B Statewide Quality Improvement Project (QIP)
End of Year Report 2019 | 2018
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services - Determining Client Eligibility & Payor of Last Resort
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services - Eligible Individuals & Allowable Use of Funds
- QMAC Member Application Form
- Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII)
- QMAC Quarterly Meeting Documents (Glasscubes login required)
- Patient Safety Clinical Pharmacy Collaborative (PSPC) Guidebook
VACAC - Virginia Quality of Care - Consumer Advisory Committee
Medicaid members and individuals applying for health coverage have a new and easy way to send documents and verify information needed to process applications or respond to other requests. Visit the CoverVA or Cubre Virginia websites to learn more about how to use the new email address, You can scan and upload, attach electronic copies, or take a picture of your information and send it using this convenient option. If additional information is needed, you will receive another letter by mail explaining next steps.
Please note that this email address is available only for sending information to Virginia Medicaid. Do not send questions to this address; you will not receive a response. If you have questions, please call the Cover Virginia call center at 1-855-242-8282.
This new email address was created to help individuals apply for Medicaid during the COVID-19 health emergency, but DMAS will continue to maintain it as a convenient service to our members and applicants.
Learn more by visiting any of these pages on the CoverVA website:
- Application page:
- Renewal page:
- Advocacy page:
- Quarterly Contractors Meeting Dates: (Quarterly on the First Wednesday of the month in Richmond, VA)
March 6, 2024 ♦ June 5, 2024 ♦ September 4, 2024 ♦ December 4, 2024
Quality Management Advisory Committee: (In-person as of GY 2024)
May 15, 2024 (Harrisonburg, VA) ♦ August 28, 2024 (Eastern Region) ♦ November 8, 2024 QM Summit (Richmond, VA) ♦ February 5, 2025 (Northern Region) ♦ March 6 - 7, 2025 Case Management Summit (Roanoke, VA)
- HIV Care Services – Trainings
- Quarterly Contractors Meeting Dates: (Quarterly on the First Wednesday of the month in Richmond, VA)
Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center (MATRC) (434) 906-4960
What is the Different Between Telemedicine, Telehealth and Remote Monitoring?
Telemedicine typically refers to the practice of medicine using technology to deliver care at a distance. A physician/clinician in one location uses a telecommunications infrastructure to deliver care to a patient at a distant site. Telemedicine is a subset of telehealth.
Telehealth refers to a broader scope of remote health care services than telemedicine. Telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services, while telehealth can refer to remote non-clinical services (for example, clinician to clinician consults, patient education services, interprofessional care teams, etc)
Remote patient monitoringrefers to using technology to gather patient data outside of traditional healthcare settings, for example, using digital scales, glucometers, pulse-ox, etc…to monitor a patient’s condition while they are at home.
I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know. Where Do I Start?
- First check out this COVID-19 Telehealth Toolkit to get some ideas on how telehealth can be used in response to COVID-19, an understanding of some of the big picture policy issues, and for a list of additional resources.
- Next, if you are one of many clinicians and practices getting ready to ramp up with telehealth offerings in response to COVID-19, we offered a webinar where we walked through a checklist of the essentials you’ll need to have in mind (and get into place) to help you get started. To access the recording of the webinar: Click Here.
- If you want to kill two birds with one stone and get trained while obtaining 1 credit/contact hour of CME/CE credits, this Foundations of Telehealth Course is also an option (there is a $95 fee associated with this course): Click Here
- Third, check out all the resources and information found on this page. Got additional questions after taking a look? Join us for our Virtual Office Hours. We provide Virtual Office Hours related to “Telehealth Basics/Telemental Health” as as well as on “Telehealth Technology or Vendors”. To see the full schedule: Click Here.
- Finally, can’t make our Virtual Office Hours? Request Technical Assistance online using this form: Click Here Hot Tip: Due to the overwhelming interest and need for telehealth during this pandemic, using the online form will generally get you a quicker response than calling and leaving a voicemail message. It is much more difficult to return calls after hours and on weekends, but we CAN respond to your emails. The more specific you are with your question or request (e.g., what type of provider you are, what type of setting you work in, what you specifically need), the better we will be at getting you timely and useful information.
Do You Have Any Specific Resources for TeleMental/Behavioral Health Providers Who Are Getting Started?
- We have a great website called the Telebehavioral Health Center of Excellence with a large number of online resources just for you: Click Here.
- Make sure you take advantage of our Virtual Office Hours (see bullet three above).
- If you are serious about telemental/behavioral health, you can get yourself Board Certified as a Telemental Health Provider (9 modules, $50 per module): Click Here or Click Here
Do You Have Any Specific Resources for Providers Interested in Getting Started with Remote Patient Monitoring?
- We have a great toolkit on our website dedicated to helping providers get started with Remote Patient Monitoring. Click Here. Make sure you download the actual RPM Toolkit (it’s an 8 page PDF document with lots of great information)
Do You Have Any Specific Resources Related to Telehealth Technology and HIPAA?
- If you have a budget for this sort of thing and the luxury of taking your time, we would recommend your using our Vendor Selection Toolkit: Click Here
- Since most of you are frantically trying to get started yesterday, if you don’t currently have any technology that you could use for a telehealth visit, please know that as part of its response to the pandemic, a change was made regarding HIPAA. The HHS Office for Civil Rights is exercising enforcement discretion and waiving penalties for HIPAA violations against health care providers that serve patients in good faith through everyday communications technologies, such as FaceTime or Skype: Click Here. With that said, please check your State policies, as not every state has waived their HIPAA requirements.
- To check your State policies, Click Here, select the state of interest and then scroll down to the lower half of the page to see the original guidance documents and any new guidance related to COVID-19.
- For a quick introduction to HIPAA Compliance and Telehealth, check out our very brief (under a minute) video (the middle one at the top of the page): Click Here
- If you don’t have a budget for telehealth technology, the following are vendors who are offering either free or significantly reduced prices as a response to COVID-19. Please note that MATRC is not in a position to either endorse or recommend any of the vendors on this list. We strongly encourage you to do your due diligence when making a vendor selection. There may be other vendors also making available platforms for free or at a significantly reduced price in response to COVID-19. These are the ones that have been brought to our attention thus far:
- Free access to Vivovitals remote patient monitoring platform for providers in the United States
- Free access to Bluestream virtual care platform
- Free temporary Vidyo video communications platformlicense
- Free white-labeled RingMD telemedicine platform for doctors, healthcare groups and other organizations negatively affected by the outbreak.
- Free Cloudbreak Health unified telemedicine and video medical interpretation solution app with free service for hospitals
- Significantly reduced pricing on Adaptive Telehealth telemental health platformlicense
- Significantly reduced pricing on Connected Healthcare Solutions (CHS) Health Guidance Platform for remote monitoring (one time startup fee reduced with no minimum quantities or contractual requirements – use as many or as few devices as you need with no additional cost)
Do You Have Any Specific Resources on How to Provide a Telehealth Visit?
- This article “Why the Telemedicine Physical is Better than You Think” gives some great perspective as well as some very practical ideas about what can be done: Click Here
- Telemedicine: Conducting an Effective Physical Exam Online Course ($100, includes CME/CE): Click Here
- Free Telehealth Etiquette Video Series: Click Here
- Free (registration required) Telehealth Coordinator Online Training: Click Here
- Telehealth Workflow Samples (from the California TRC)
- Depending on the type of provider you are and the type of service you offer, there are some specific clinical guidelines and best practices for telehealth that have been developed. There are too many documents to list here. Please contact us using our online Technical Assistance Form and let us know your specific interest area(s): Click Here
- If you are an FQHC, the Weitzman Institute is offering a series of Project ECHO sessions on Preparing for COVID-19. One of the sessions is entitled “Develop and Define Your Telehealth Strategy” Click Here for a listing of upcoming sessions and access to recordings of past sessions.
- If you are a physician, the AMA has developed a “Quick Guide to Telemedicine in Practice” that has a section on Practice Implementation: Click Here
What About Consent?
- Some states require you to get consent for telehealth visits and others do not. Some states require very specific components in the consent process. To see if yours does, Click Here
- Using the filter boxes:
- Select your state of interest
- Select “All Categories” (this is the default)
- Select “Consent” as your topic
- Click on “Apply” and soon you will see if/where there are consent requirements within your state’s policies. Sometimes it is only required as part of Medicaid reimbursement, other times it is part of state law, and other times it is embedded in health professions regulations for specific types of providers.
- Using the filter boxes:
- We think it’s a good practice to get consent, whether it is required or not. For a Sample Consent Form in English: CLICK HERE and in Spanish: CLICK HERE (credit goes to California TRC). Adapt this form to your clinical use case and your state’s policy requirements – you may not need every element. Unless your state explicitly requires the consent form to be signed (most places do not), it may be done verbally. Make sure you have a written process and protocol developed that is considered standard operating procedure. Once that is in place, you just need to note in the medical record that your consent process was used and that the patient provided consent.
Do You Have Anything I Can Give My Patients About Virtual Visits?
While this was created to help patients navigate the emergence of Direct-to-Consumer telehealth companies and not with COVID-19 in mind, it it is still a nice targeted infographic for patients/consumers of health care that you might find useful: CLICK HERE
How Do I Document a Telehealth Visit?
For documentation of a telehealth visit, you should include everything you usually need to document for the CPT or E&M code being billed, PLUS…
- Patient’s location (enough detail to satisfy a Medicare audit, i.e., eligible facility in an eligible geographic location.
- With all the exceptions being made during this pandemic with the waiver, this is not as important during the state of emergency, but in general you should do this so you might as well make it a practice!
- If the patient’s home is the location of service, and the address is already somewhere in the medical record, then you just need to include in your note that the visit took place at the patient’s home. You do not need to capture the address again.
- It is always good practice to verify the patient’s location at the start of every virtual visit. Do not assume they are at home! Remember that if the patient experiences an emergency/crisis when they are in the middle of a visit with you, if you don’t have easy access to their physical location address (a PO Box will not work), it will be impossible to contact first responders and have them deployed to the patient’s location.
- Provider’s location (this would be the usual place of practice – for most, it would be the office location, but if home is a routine or the only office location, then the provider’s home location should be registered as a site of service and used)
- That the encounter was conducted via telehealth
- Start and stop time
- That the patient consented (unless otherwise documented). Please refer to your State’s laws/licensing board regulations and guidance documents regarding specific requirements. See section on consent above for how to do this.
- Any other providers involved, including telepresenters
- Optional: A reason for using telehealth (medical or otherwise), and any criteria used to evaluate whether the case was appropriate for telehealth.
- Patient’s location (enough detail to satisfy a Medicare audit, i.e., eligible facility in an eligible geographic location.
What Telehealth Related Federal Medicare, Licensure and Other Policy Changes Have Taken Place As a Result of the Pandemic?
For a summary of the most up to date information on changes at the federal level, Click Here!
What Telehealth Related State Medicaid, Licensure and Other Policy Changes Have Taken Place As a Result of the Pandemic?
For a summary of the most up to date information on changes at the state level, Click Here.
How Do I Bill and Code for Telehealth Services?
Click Here to access a really good guidance document on billing and coding for telehealth. In general, you would use the same CPT or E&M codes as for an in-person encounter, but to indicate that the service was provided via telehealth, each payer type has their own schema pertaining to a specific modifier or POS code (sometimes even both) they want you to use. In addition, this guidance document also discusses how to bill and code for several types of services that CMS does not consider “telehealth”. These include: Remote Communication Technology, Virtual Check-In, Remote Evaluation of Pre-Recorded Patient Information and Interprofessional Internet Consultation.
Help Me Understand Medicare Reimbursement for Telehealth:
- Fee for Service Medicare and Telehealth Reimbursement
- Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were a large number of restrictions placed on Fee-for-Service Medicare reimbursement for telehealth services. These restrictions included:
- The originating site(location of the patient). Providers could only get reimbursed for telehealth services if the patients receiving those services were located at specific types of facilities (e.g., hospitals, FQHCs, physician and practitioner offices) AND those facilities were located in specific geographic locations. There were a few exceptions to this rule, including treatment for Substance Use Disorder, Telestroke and Dialysis for End-State Renal Disease)
- The distant site practitioner (type of provider providing the telehealth service). Only a specific subset of provider types were eligible to serve as distant site providers (e.g., Physicians, NPs, PAs). FQHCs and RHCs were specifically excluded from being able to serve as distant site practitioners.
- Types of service. Only a limited set of HCPCS/CPT Codes were eligible for telehealth reimbursement.
- To understand Fee for Service Medicare Telehealth Services prior to the pandemic: Click Here.
- To see a compilation of telehealth reimbursement questions that were submitted to CMS for clarification and their responses: Click Here (also included in this document are links to additional CMS guidance documents that may be of use/interest)
- Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were a large number of restrictions placed on Fee-for-Service Medicare reimbursement for telehealth services. These restrictions included:
- Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and Medicare Telehealth Reimbursement
- CMS has developed this Telehealth Factsheet just for you! Click Here
- Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans and Medicare Telehealth Reimbursement
- CMS released final rules for changes to MA plans regarding telehealth in April 2019. To see a summary of those changes: Click Here
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a waiver was granted removing all of the originating site restrictions. This allows the patient to be located anywhere at the time of service, including their home. There were NO changes related to the distant site practitioner or the types of services restrictions. See Medicare guidance regarding billing and coding related to the waiver: Click Here (helpful hint – scroll down to the bottom half of the page for specific billing codes and to the very bottom of the page for a helpful summary comparison chart).
- What if I am an FQHC or RHC? In response to the pandemic, providing telehealth services as a distant site provider is considered “in scope” for an FQHC according to this guidance from BPHC: Click Here However, this is disconnected from the Medicare reimbursement mechanisms. For Medicare billing and reimbursement purposes, FQHCs and RHCs are still limited by the existing distant site practitioner restrictions. There is language in the current bill being negotiated in Congress to lift the FQHC and RHC distant site practitioner restrictions, and presumably it will be retroactive to the start of the emergency declaration, but there is no guarantee at this point until the bill passes.
Help Me Understand Medicaid Reimbursement for Telehealth:
Each State Medicaid program makes decisions on the types of restrictions they will place on originating sites, distant site practitioners and types of services. Some have very few restrictions, while others have many.
MATRC maintains guidance documents related to Medicaid and other policies for each state in the MATRC coverage area. We have made an effort to keep our website updated as we find out about waivers and other policy changes in response to the pandemic. Click Here, select the state of interest and then scroll down to the lower half of the page to see the original guidance documents and any new guidance related to COVID-19. Alternatively, go up to the top menu bar and select the state of interest under “Our Region”.
Help Me Understand Private Payer Reimbursement for Telehealth:
Most of the states in the MATRC region (DC, DE, KY, MD, NJ, VA) have passed “parity legislation”, meaning that if a service being provided and billed for is considered a covered service in a face to face situation, a commercial carrier may not deny coverage solely because the service was provided via telehealth.
A few states in the MATRC region do not have parity legislation (NC, PA, WV). For these states, it is up to the carrier to set its own policies regarding coverage. In this case, you would need to contact each commercial payer to ascertain their coverage policy. In response to the pandemic, several health plans that serve our region have announced that they will make telehealth more widely available or are offering telehealth services for free for a certain period of time. These are the ones that have come to our attention to date:
- Aetna – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Aetna – COVID-19 Approved Behavioral Health Telemedicine Services
- AmeriHealth New Jersey – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Anthem – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Companies – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Capital Blue Cross – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- CareFirst – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Centene – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Cigna – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Geisinger Health Plan – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Highmark – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Humana – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- Magellan Health – COVID-19 Service Enhancements
- United Health Care – COVID-19 Telehealth Services
Not all commercial carriers have the same schema regarding modifiers or POS codes. If guidance about billing codes is not provided in the above links and/or if your plan is not listed above, you will unfortunately need to contact each plan to find out which modifer or POS codes that they want you to use to indicate a telehealth visit.
The Virginia Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part B (RWHAP B) program asks all of its partners and consumers to be prepared ahead of any emergency situation that may impact and affect the Commonwealth. To assure adequate medication supplies, we ask all providers and consumers to assess medication refill needs before the emergency situation is affecting Virginia. If consumers access medications at local health departments, mail order, or retail pharmacies, encourage and help them have peace of mind and get refills now. People Living with HIV (PLWH) may be displaced within Virginia if a region is impacted (such as the eastern and central regions), as well as from out-of-state if they evacuate to Virginia. To help everyone be prepared, VDH has created new tabs on the Ryan White program sites for “Emergency Preparedness/COVID-19”. You will find information, policies, procedures, and forms to help PLWH who need emergency services during this event. If you need to provide emergency services during or after the emergency situation, the information you need is in a convenient location on this page and the VA MAP (formerly ADAP) web page. VDH encourages you to always stay safe and please reach out to the RWHAP B team if you have any questions or need additional information.
COVID-19 Response For VA MAP (March 12, 2020)
For more information about coronavirus in Virginia, please use this link to the Virginia Department of Health, Up-to-date information on the status of the virus outbreak is available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
For other medication access concerns or questions related to eligibility, contact the VA MAP hotline toll free at 1-855-362-0658.
If you are a medication access site and have any questions related to placing medication orders for clients on the Direct Medication Assistance Program (Direct MAP), please call Central Pharmacy at 804-786-4326.
If you are a Ryan White Part B provider and have questions about services other than medication access, please contact your HIV Services Coordinator.
Emergency Preparedness/COVID-19 Resources
- Expanded Use of Emergency Financial Assistance for Medication Access in Virginia Updated
- Emergency Financial Assistance Medication Invoice Form
- Emergency Preparedness Special Alert for RWHAP B Providers
- Emergency Enrollment Application for VA MAP and Ryan White Services
- Virginia RWHAP Services Tracking Form for Displaced Clients
- Client Information about Medication and Services access during Emergencies