School physicals  

Children are required to have a school physical before starting public kindergarten or enrolling in elementary school for the first time.1 This physical is important for identifying potential health issues that could impact kids' learning, ensuring kids have the immunizations they need, and promoting healthy habits.  

Where to get school physicals  

Your child’s regular doctor can perform the school physical during a regular wellness visit. If you need help choosing a PCP, visit In addition, many local urgent cares and pharmacy clinics offer school entrance physicals, but they may charge an extra fee. 

What to know about school physicals  

    • There are unique health screening requirements for children entering preschool programs such as Head Start, Early Head Start, and the Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI). Please contact your child's program enrollment staff for more information. 
  • Healthcare providers recommend that all students receive a physical or “well child” exam each year. Students involved in school-sponsored athletics will also need a sports physical. 
  • A school physical or well-child visit is covered by most insurance plans. Note that most plans only cover one annual physical visit per year. Ask about the cost when you are making the appointment.   
Last Updated: February 6, 2025