RHHD provides important immunizations to children of all ages. From polio to HPV, our team will help make sure your family has the immunizations they need to stay healthy.
Remember: Some vaccines are required to attend public and private schools, so make sure your child is up-to-date and can start school on time! Vaccines required for entry into Richmond and Henrico County Schools are available without charge to all children regardless of insurance status. Other vaccines may be available for a fee. Seasonal flu vaccine is available for children six months and older.
Does your child need a vaccine? Sign up for immunizations today! You can find them at:
A regular, annual visit with your primary care provider (PCP). If you need help choosing a PCP, visit rhhd.gov/connect-pc to learn more primary care in our communities!
A local pharmacy or urgent care. Many pharmacies or urgent cares also offer childhood immunizations, and most insurance covers recommended childhood immunizations at no cost. Ask about cost when you are making the appointment.
Hope and Bremo Pharmacies are Virginia Vaccines for Children providers which means they can also offer free or low-cost vaccines for children who qualify for Medicaid or are under or uninsured.
- Bremo Pharmacy offers all school-required vaccines for children ages 3 and older. Schedule an immunization appointment at Bremo here: https://bremorx.com/vaccine-appointments/.
- Hope Pharmacy offers 7th and 12th grade vaccines only at this time (Tdap, MenACWY, HPV). Schedule an immunization appointment at Hope here: https://www.hopepharmacyrva.com/childrens-vaccines
RHHD clinics! The health department offers appointments for required childhood vaccines at no cost to families. Students must bring a guardian, a copy of immunization records, and an insurance card if they have one. Call 804-205-3501 to make an appointment for any childhood vaccine.
Upcoming School Vaccination Events
For more information, visit: rvaschools.net/schools-office/health-services
Last Updated: February 4, 2025