RHHD will pause COVID-19 vaccinations as of August 16 until the 2024-2025 vaccine is released. The 2024-2025 vaccine is expected to be released in late August or September. For immediate assistance, individuals can reach out to a local pharmacy, primary care provider, or safety net provider. These providers may also be pausing appointments until the release of the 2024-2025 vaccine.
Can't make one of our Clinics? Find a pharmacy near you!
- Use the vaccines.gov website to find nearby pharmacies that offer the COVID-19 vaccine. Please use a 25-mile radius when searching for appointments so you find all available vaccination opportunities near you.
Nearby Health Districts
Chesterfield (Chesterfield, Powhatan, Colonial Heights):
Phone: 804-318-8207
Email: Chesterfield_Covid@vdh.virginia.gov
Chickahominy Health District (Goochland, New Kent, Hanover, and Charles City):
Phone: 804-365-3240
Email: chdvaccine@vdh.virginia.gov
Crater Health District (cities of Emporia, Hopewell and Petersburg and the counties of Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surry, and Sussex):
Phone: 804-862-8989
Email: CraterCOVID19Vaccination@vdh.virginia.gov