When Virginia became an Agreement State on March 31, 2009 the provision to regulate Uranium Milling was not included in the Agreement. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) retains this authority. The NRC regulations for Uranium Milling can be found under 10CFR Part 40. The NRC also maintains a web page specifically for Uranium Milling. It can be found at: NRC Uranium Page.
Currently there are several studies regarding uranium mining in Virginia:
The National Academy of Science. The project’s website can be found at: NAS Uranium Study.
The City of Virginia Beach has performed a study regarding water issues. This study can be found at: VA Beach Water Study
The City of Danville has a study for the Socioenconomic Impacts of Uranium Mining. This study can be found at:Danville Regional Foundation Study
The Virginia Coal and Energy Uranium Mining Sub-Committee has contracted with Chmura Economics & Analytics to perform a Socioeconomic Study. The Committee’s web page can be found at: Uranium Mining Sub-Committee
On January 19, 2012 Governor McDonnell issued a letter establishing a Uranium Working Group consisting of staff from VDH, Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, and Department of Environmental Quality. Here is a copy of the letter: Governor Uranium Letter
March 7, 2012: A web page has been created in order to provide comments to the Uranium Working Group. It can be found at: Uranium Working Group
If you have any questions please contact us.
Office of Radiological Health | 109 Governor Street, 7th Floor | Richmond, VA 23219
Telephone (804) 864-8150 | Fax: (804) 864-8155