Transportation of Radioactive Materials


Certain shippers of radioactive materials must notify the Department of Emergency Management (VDEM).  On January 6, 1982 (47 FR 596 and 47 FR 600), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published in the Federal Register final amendments to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) parts 71 and 73 (effective July 6, 1982), that require advance notification to Governors or their designees by NRC licensees prior to transportation of certain shipments of nuclear waste and spent fuel. The advance notification covered in part 73 is for spent nuclear reactor fuel shipments and the notification for part 71 is for large quantity shipments of radioactive waste (and of spent nuclear reactor fuel not covered under the final amendment to 10 CFR part 73). Recently the contact information was updated in the Federal Register /Vol. 76, No. 210 /Monday, October 31, 2011, [NRC–2011–0253].

Contact information:
Director, Technological Hazards Division
Virginia Department of Emergency Management
9711 Farrar Court
North Chesterfield, VA 23235

Phone Number : (804) 897–6500

24 hour hotline : (804) 674–2400 or 1–800–468–8892

Fax: (804) 897–6576

Landfill Operators and Scrap Metal Dealers

Shipments of municipal waste, or scrap metal may trigger a radiation monitor upon arrival at the landfill or scrap yard/foundry.  Oftentimes the facility will reject the shipment and the shipment will be returned the the point of origin.  However, the shipment is now considered a hazardous materials-radioactive shipment and carrier is supposed to have shipping papers describing the hazardous contents and the the vehicle have appropriate placards.

The US DOT has authorized the States to issue to the  carrier an exemption from the full characterization of the material on the shipping papers, and exemption from the placard requirements.

The carrier or the facility must contact the Radiological Health Program for an exemption and provide the information regarding the radiation levels and shipping data.  Once the information is collected, then our staff may issue by fax an exemption form that shall be provided to the driver of the vehicle for the return trip.

Information regarding these exemptions are available at: DOT Hazmat Web Page and the CRCPD Transportation Web Page


The US Department of Transportation regulates the transportation of hazardous materials, including radioactive materials in inter-state commerce. Information is available at:

They also have training materials on their transportation regulations of radioactive materials: DOT Radmat Regulations Review


Office of Radiological Health | 109 Governor Street, 7th Floor | Richmond, VA 23219

Telephone (804) 864-8150 | Fax: (804) 864-8155

Last Updated: July 26, 2021