About the Private Inspector Licensure Program

The X-ray Program registers approximately 19,000 radiation-producing machines (such as x-ray machines); sets performance criteria for them; and authorizes non-department qualified private inspectors to perform the evaluations and non-department service companies to install and repair the machines.

Machines must be inspected within the established frequency of either 1,3, or 5 years based on the type of use. Any X-ray machine that is determined to be unsafe for use is restricted from use until the X-ray machine is repaired by a service company, and re-inspected by a Qualified Private Inspector, or permanently removed from service. These regional radiological health specialists audit and monitor private sector inspections and perform compliance inspections of X-ray facilities. The remainder of this page will discuss the Private Inspectors. Topics discussed follows:

  • Purpose
  • Qualifications
  • Application
  • Private Inspectors List
  • Inspection Forms
  • Submittal of inspection reports
  • Enforcement
  • Accreditation Boards
  • Professional Societies


Private Inspectors conduct X-ray machine safety inspections to ensure the use of X-ray producing machines and the facility’s operational procedures conform with the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) regulations. The information contained in the inspection reports that the Private Inspectors provide VDH is used to determine whether a machine is certified for use in the healing arts. There are over 19,000 X-ray machines registered with VDH and each machine used in the healing arts must be periodically inspected. VDH has a limited number of inspectors available to conduct X-ray machine inspections. Much of a VDH inspector’s time is spent following up on reported non-compliances, performing special inspections for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and conducting enforcement actions. Private Inspectors provide a valuable service to ensure that X-ray machine owners can meet their obligation to have their X-ray machines inspected and certified for use.

Many private inspectors are also medical physicists who provide specialized services to meet other regulatory requirements or support clinical services. These services may include medical physics support for mammography facilities, nuclear medicine departments, radiation therapy treatment planning and shielding design. Qualifications to provide these services may require distinctively different credentials and are separate from those of a Private Inspector.

Private Inspectors providing physics support to a mammography facility need to take special care in documenting their credentials.


Individuals interested in becoming a private inspector must meet the criteria established in the regulations 12VAC 5-481-340. Please read the following regarding an exemption to the non-medical private inspector application.

Private Inspector Exemption

Non-Medical Private Inspector Exemption


New applicants should download and complete the Qualified Private X-ray Inspector Application. Completed applications may be returned by email to radhealth-comments@vdh.virginia.gov, faxed to 804-864-8175, or by mail to the address listed at the bottom of this page.

The application includes a question regarding the applicant’s availability to provide inspection services to x-ray machine registrants in Virginia. Applicants who select yes will be placed on our published Private Inspector Directory once the credentials have been verified. The Private Inspector Directory is made available to the public.

Some employees are restricted from performing work outside of their primary work place. Applicants in this situation will have their name placed on the master list of private inspectors; however, this list is not generally distributed. Employers may contact VDH to confirm an individual’s status as a qualified private inspector.

VDH staff will carefully review each application and verify the information provided. This will also include a verification of certifications and degrees obtained.

**Current qualified private inspectors, please download and complete the Private Inspector Update Form.


Initial application fee of $150.00 will be billed once the application is approved and processed.

Annual registration fee of $150.00 in order to maintain status as a qualified private inspector.

Private Inspector Directory

The Private Inspector Directory is periodically updated. Private inspectors should inform VDH whenever any of their information changes.

Inspection Forms

Private Inspectors should use VDH Inspection Report forms. Private inspectors will need access to specialized equipment for conducting the appropriate measurements required for a given X-ray machine, such as: calibrated ion chamber, light meter and X-ray film.

Submission of Inspection Forms

The Private Inspector is required to provide the facility a copy of the inspection report within 14 days of the completion of the inspection (12VAC5-481-1591-D). The X-ray machine owner or whoever has administrative control of the machine is required to provide a copy of the inspection report to VDH. The Private Inspector may provide a copy of the inspection report directly to VDH as a service to their client. The Private Inspector should let their client know if this is the case. It would be helpful for the Private Inspector take the time to discuss with the facility’s representative the inspection report and any findings of non-compliance and how they may be corrected.

Required Postings 

The following should be posted by the registrant and clearly visible at time of inspection:


VDH staff undertake considerable steps to ensure verification of credentials of existing private inspectors and new applicants. VDH Radiation Safety Specialists may also audit a private inspector’s previous inspection to ensure the quality of the inspection. Private inspectors who fail to adhere to the Virginia Radiation Protection Regulations or are found to have significant inspection errors may have their qualification as a Virginia Private Inspector revoked.

Accreditation Boards

American Board of Radiology http://theabr.org/

American Academy of Health Physics/American Board of Health Physics http://www.hps1.org/aahp/

Professional Societies

American Association of Physicists in Medicine http://www.aapm.org/

Health Physics Society http://www.hps.org/


Office of Radiological Health | 109 Governor Street,  7th Floor | Richmond, VA  23219

Telephone (804) 864-8150 | X-ray Fax: (804) 864-8175


Last Updated: August 3, 2023