Hostile Environment Medic

Tactical Medic, Hostile Environment Medic, Active Shooter Medic

All of these are terms used to describe an environment in which law enforcement and EMS must work together to ensure they provide the best care to the injured, while securing the scene from dangers. In most cases these dangers may be an active assailant. But it may be a potential shooting, bombing, chemical attack, or any other environment that creates an unsafe scene requiring law enforcement’s efforts to secure.

When discussing the involvement of the EMS provider in these types of environments there are many questions raised:

  • Will the EMS provider enter the “hot zone”?
  • Will the EMS provider carry a gun?
  • What training will the EMS provider have?
  • What equipment will the EMS provider carry?
  • What treatment will be provided by the EMS provider?

This page is designed to provide guidance and recommendations for EMS providers looking to develop or strengthen their tactical medic response plans.

EMS and law enforcement should work together to develop response plans, determine appropriate equipment, and develop training expectations for the EMS providers responding to a hostile environment.

Planning Resources:

NFPA 3000 - Standard for an Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program

National Volunteer Fire Council – Active Shooter and Complex Attack Resources for Fire and EMS

Health and Medical Response to Active Shooter and Bombing Event

Integrating Law Enforcement, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services during Active Shooter / Hybrid Targeted Violence Incidents

FEMA IS-907: Active Shooter: What You Can Do

DHS - Active Shooter Preparedness

First Responder Guide for Improving Survivability in Improved Explosive Device and/or Active Shooter Incidents

Active Shooter/Hostile Environment (ASHE) Guide

Improving Survival from Active Shooter Events: The Hartford Consensus

Improving Active Shooter / Hostile Event Response: Best Practices and Recommendations for Integrating Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS

Fire/EMS Department Operational Considerations and Guide for Active Shooter and Mass Casualty Incidents

Operational Templates and Guidance for EMS Mass Incident Deployment

Last Updated: July 8, 2022