Data Compliance Report

EMS regulations require every licensed Virginia EMS agency to submit patient care records with the required minimum dataset on a schedule established by the Virginia Office of EMS (OEMS), as authorized in §32.1-116.1 of the Code of Virginia. The OEMS uses this data to generate an EMS Data Quality Report each month. This report is posted on the OEMS website (below), and is provided to the OEMS Director, the OEMS Division of Regulation and Compliance Enforcement, the OEMS Rescue Squad Assistance Fund grants program, and all Virginia EMS agency superusers, as well as other local, state, and national stakeholders.

OEMS support is committed to working with all EMS agencies and EMS software vendors on data quality-related issues. Our goal is to identify ways to improve data quality with minimal impact on EMS agencies, while at the same time participating in statewide and national data research projects. If there are validation issues EMS software vendors cannot help their customers (i.e., EMS agencies) resolve, the agency and vendor should reach out to OEMS support at for assistance.

For any questions regarding data quality, data submissions, or this webpage, please contact OEMS Support at .

Last Updated: August 15, 2024