Emergency Operations Training Calendar

Upcoming Training

Responder Wellness Training

ResponderStrong Train the Trainer Workshop

  • Date: November 7, 2024
  • Time: 8:30 - 16:30
  • Location: EMS HQ and Training Center, 4160 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, Va 23452 (Virtual Option Available)
  • Register: Train the Trainer - ResponderStrong
  • Flyer

National First Responders Day Webinar: The 10 Code Mindset

  • Date: October 28, 2024
  • Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Program Description: First responders and veterans experience more stress, demands, and trauma than the average citizen in America. Unfortunately, so many first responders and veterans face a threat of suicide, and there is the very real risk of becoming mentally and/or physically injured on the job. Many first responders (current and former) and veterans learn to survive the challenges of their careers, but a survival mindset in life can be a hindrance on thriving in life. The goal of this period of instruction is to inspire those in attendance to take on a thriving mindset through massive action that must be done one step at a time. All attendees will learn about resources and sources cited for information in the course.
  • Register: Click here

Post Retirement Wellness for First Responders

  • Date: November 6, 2024
  • Time: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Location: Germanna Community College, Fredericksburg, VA
  • Course Description: This course is designed to help retired and soon-to-be retiring first responders understand and manage the unique challenges they may face after leaving active duty. It addresses nervous system dysregulation stemming from prolonged stress and trauma, detailing symptoms such as heightened anxiety and difficulty relaxing. The course explores the long-term effects of stress on brain function and behavior, and examines how retirement can trigger the re-emergence of past traumas. Participants will be introduced to various therapeutic approaches and self-help techniques for emotional healing. Additionally, as sleep disruption is common, the course will cover effective strategies to enhance sleep quality through improved sleep hygiene and relaxation exercises.
  • Register: Click here

Protecting Lung Health in First Responders Webinar

  • Dates: November 14, 2024 and November 19, 2024
  • Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (November 14); 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (November 19)
  • Program Description: The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is excited to present “Protecting Lung Health in First Responders,” brought to you by NOTA Fitness and Wellness. In recognition of National Lung Cancer Awareness Month, DCJS is offering this comprehensive course designed to safeguard your respiratory health on the job. This essential course, designed specifically for first responders, dives into the critical aspects of lung health and safety on the job. From understanding the risks to recognizing early warning signs, this workshop equips you with the knowledge and practical skills to protect your lung health effectively. Through engaging and easy-to-understand sessions, you will gain insights into how to safeguard your well-being while performing your duties.
  • Register: Click here

Financial Strength for First Responders

  • Dates: December 12, 2024
  • Time: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Location: Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy (Room 112), 5299 Research Place, Ashburn, Virginia 20147
  • Program Description:This comprehensive workshop is designed to equip first responders with the tools and knowledge needed to achieve financial strength. Participants will explore their relationship with money through exercises uncovering money beliefs and habits, discuss how these affect financial decisions, and learn financial principles often overlooked in traditional education. The workshop covers practical skills in budgeting and financial planning, helping attendees create and maintain realistic budgets, prioritize expenses, and manage spending habits. Credit management is also addressed, explaining how credit scores work and offering strategies to improve and maintain good credit. 

    The afternoon portion of the training will focus on creating additional income streams through freelancing and passive income opportunities, with real-life examples and success stories to illustrate these concepts. Participants will gain an introduction to entrepreneurship, including starting a business with minimal investment and learning from successful entrepreneurs. Strategies for growing and scaling a business, emphasizing marketing, sales, and customer relationships, are also covered. The workshop concludes with advanced retirement planning, discussing the limitations of traditional pensions and exploring alternative strategies for building a diversified portfolio. Attendees will develop a personalized financial strength action plan and have opportunities for one-on-one consultations and networking to further support their financial journey.

  • Register: Click here
Roadway Incident Safety

The Safety Officer’s Role in Roadway Incident Response

The Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI) just released a new training module: The Safety Officer’s Role in Roadway Incident Response.

The safety officer has a critical role in promoting and implementing recommended roadway incident response safety practices in training rotations and on scene. Fire departments make almost 3 ½ times as many runs to incidents on roadway properties as they do to structure fires, yet responder safety and traffic incident management typically do not receive the same attention in training and implementation as structure fire safety practices. To better protect all personnel, safety officers can:

  • Step up to be advocates in their departments for compliance with applicable standards.
  • Initiate and participate in SOP/SOG writing for roadway incident responses.
  • Teach recommended traffic incident management and responder safety practices.
  • Purchase or advocate to purchase PPE and temporary traffic control devices to facilitate recommended practices.
  • Ensure these recommended practices are followed at roadway incident responses.
  • Facilitate After Action Reviews (AARs) following roadway incident responses.
  • Help develop materials to educate the public about Move Over laws.

This program prepares safety officers to be advocates in their departments by reviewing recommended traffic incident management and roadway incident safety practices with recommendations for how to implement them.

This training is self-paced and estimated to take about one hour to complete. If you do not already have an account with the Responder Safety Learning Network, first create a free account. Membership is free, and members can access all available training and features. Once logged in, visit the Safety Officer’s Role in Roadway Incident Response page to take the course.

Designated Infection Control Officer Training

Live In-Person & Online Upcoming Training

***Stay tuned for future live in-person and online Designated Infection Control Officer Training***

Training at Your Own Pace


National Association of Public Safety Infection Control Officers

If you are interested in hosting an Emergency Operations course please contact Sam Burnette.

*Links to non-Virginia Commonwealth or non-federal websites on this page do not constitute as an endorsement by the Commonwealth of Virginia or the U.S. government, or any of its employees, of the information and/or products presented on those sites.

**As of December 31, 2019, the Virginia Office of EMS (OEMS) does not identify, approve, or endorse specific Infection Control Officer educational programs. Virginia licensed EMS agencies may select a training program of their choice to ensure their agency's DICO has received training that is compliant with OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 and any other federal regulation(s) that may apply.  Click here to learn more.

Last Updated: October 2, 2024