The Virginia Education Coordinator (EC) Institute is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to excel as leaders in the field of EMS training in the Commonwealth. Throughout the institute, participants will explore the fundamental responsibilities of EC’s focusing on their crucial roles in facilitating initial training programs and continuing education (CE) for both BLS and ALS life support providers. The course content is tailored to provide a deep understanding of Virginia's administrative processes and regulatory requirements governing CE training and initial certification programs.
To be considered to attend an EC Institute, Education Coordinator Candidates (ECC) must have ALL requirements completed (e.g. teaching hours, NREMT cognitive exam and mentorship) and documented in the candidate's Virginia EMS Portal by the deadline date.
National Registry EMT Assessment Exam
ECC's currently in the process are encouraged to continue to make attempts at the National Registry of EMT's (NREMT) cognitive exam while working through their mentorship. NREMT Cognitive Exam results are not instantaneously received by the Office from NREMT. These results can take up to 14 days to be received from the National Registry and processed onto your account. Please understand that the Office of EMS DOES NOT CONTROL this data feed and we have no way of looking up your exam results and posting early.
- The Office offers three (3) EC Institutes per year--pending there are enough eligible candidates to hold the event. Deadlines for EC Candidates to have completed all requirements are established below and are associated with each Institute. In order to be considered eligible, an ECC must have completed all requirements (e.g. teaching hours, NREMT cognitive exam and mentorship) by the established date.
- Once the eligibility list is pulled, invitations will be sent to eligible candidates via e-mail using Ticketleap.
- The Education Coordinator Institute requires 3 weeks of pre-course work which is completed online via Moodle leading up to the face-to-face portion of the Institute. The Institute pre-work will be assigned to candidates once they have met eligibility, enrolled and been accepted into the Institute.
- Pre-course work is required to be completed per the deadlines established in Moodle. Failure to complete pre-course work as assigned will result in the revocation of the candidate's invitation. Dismissed participants will be required to reschedule at a future Institute.
- Candidate's should be cognizant that taking a vacation, planning to travel or scheduling training or other work related activities in the three weeks leading up to the scheduled EC Institute is not advised. Failure to complete pre-course work as assigned--regardless of reason--will result in the revocation of the candidate's invitation.
- The face-to-face portion of the EC Institute is 3-days covering administrative topics specific to conducting EMS education in Virginia.
- Institutes are scheduled for 3 consecutive days which begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and end no later than 6:00 p.m. each day. Please plan to arrive before the start of the program to allow for registration.
- Tardiness or absence during the Institute will require make-up training at a subsequent Institute.
The graphic below aims to help explain the process.

Details and invitations for future EC Institutes will be made available as we approach these dates and eligible candidates complete the EC mentorship process.
Dates | Time | Address (Click link for Directions) | Eligibility Deadline |
Jan 28-30, 2025 | 8:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Daily |
Prince William County Public Safety Training Center
13101 Public Safety Drive Nokesville, Virginia 20181 |
The deadline for EC Candidates to have completed all requirements in order to be considered eligible for this institute is 5 p.m. on December 13, 2024.
Registration guidance will be sent to eligible candidates via e-mail at 5 p.m. on December 20, 2024.* |
April 15-17, 2025 | 8:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Daily |
Old Dominion EMS Alliance Council Office |
The deadline for EC Candidates to have completed all requirements in order to be considered eligible for this institute is 5 PM on Feb. 28, 2025.
Registration guidance will be sent to eligible candidates via e-mail at 10:00AM on March 12, 2025.* |
June 10-12, 2025 | 8:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Daily |
Blacksburg Rescue Squad
1300 Progress Street NW Blacksburg, VA 24060 |
The deadline for EC Candidates to have completed all requirements in order to be considered eligible for this institute is 5 PM on May 2, 2025.
Registration guidance will be sent to eligible candidates via e-mail at 10:00AM on of May 9, 2025.* |
Fall 2025 | 8:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Daily | TBD | The deadline for EC Candidates to have completed all requirements in order to be considered eligible for this institute is 5 PM on August 16, 2025.
Registration guidance will be sent to eligible candidates via e-mail at 10:00AM on August 30, 2025.* |
* Due to limited seating, we use TicketLeap for enrollment to be fair to all eligible candidates. Due to the large number of candidates eligible for the upcoming institute(s), seat priority will be based on the EC candidate expiration date. Requests will be acknowledged on a first come, first served basis. Obtaining a ticket does not guarantee a seat for the upcoming institute. Education Coordinator Institutes will not be conducted for less than 16 eligible, confirmed candidates.
If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Akers, Education Program Manager by email deborah.t.akers@vdh.virginia.gov.