The Office of EMS continues to monitor the ongoing situation regarding the spread of COVID-19, including information on various topics related to the COVID-19. This includes personal protective equipment, decontamination, signs and symptoms, and other information designed to assist public safety agencies in responding to this incident. The following information is included on this page in the tabs below under "Helpful COVID-19 Resources":
Office of EMS Specific Information
- Division of Community Health and Technical Assistance
- EMS Transport to Alternate Sites White Paper
- Division of Accreditation, Certification & Education
- Certifications
- Continuing Education
- National Registry
- National Registry & Virginia Provisional Certifications - (Advanced EMT and Paramedic ONLY!)
- National Registry Cognitive Examinations
- Certification Testing Changes - State and National Registry
- Regulation and Compliance
- Antigen Testing Guidance
- Vaccine Administration Guidance
- Immunization Guide for EMS Personnel in Virginia
- Vaccination Toolkit for EMS Medical Directors
General COVID-19 Disease Information
- Antigen Test Kit Expiration Date Memo New!
- FAQ about EMS Workplaces and COVID-19 Restrictions/Precautions (06/09/21)
- COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance
- National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness
- COVID-19 Vaccine Information
- COVID-19 Mental Health Resources for First Responders
- Guidance for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP)
- CDC Guidance for EMS for Response to COVID-19
- Signs and Symptoms
- Healthcare Provider Exposure
- COVID-19 in Virginia
- Additional Websites
- Printable Educational Materials
Helpful COVID-19 Resources
- Statewide Emergency Vendor List
- Community Health and Technical Assistance
- Accreditation, Certification & Education
- Regulation & Compliance
- General COVID-19 Disease Information
Statewide Emergency Vendor List
The Emergency Vendor List includes vendors used by the Va. Dept. of Emergency Management (VDEM) and Va. Dept. of General Services – Division of Purchases & Supply (DPS) during a “state of public emergency”. The list may be utilized to quickly obtain supplies and services to provide assistance to those in need.
Several vendors have been awarded contracts and the information can be found within the spreadsheet. For vendors that do not currently have a contract, use the list as a source of supply and procure in accordance with the Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual, Chapter 9 Emergency Procurement.
DPS does not endorse nor suggest any vendor appearing on the emergency vendor lists. Agencies are required to conduct their own due diligence prior to procuring from any vendor listed.
Division of Community Health and Technical Assistance
Division of Accreditation, Certification & Education
- Education Coordinator Candidate Eligibility Window - Due to Executive Orders 51, 63, 67 & 72 as amended, the Virginia Office of EMS will be extending the eligibility dates for Education Coordinator Candidates. EC Candidates with an eligibility expiration of December 31, 2020 through December 31, 2021 will be extended until June 30, 2022.
- Education Coordinator Certification Extension - Due to Executive Orders 51, 63, 67 & 72 as amended, the Virginia Office of EMS will be extending the Education Coordinator certification dates with an expiration date of December 31, 2020 through December 31, 2021 until June 30, 2022.
- On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, he National Registry's Board of Directors responded by announcing the decision to waive the Distributive Education (DE) limits in the NCCP Model for the 2022 recertification season to ensure EMS professionals could maintain their national certification while assuring continued competency.
- All EMTs, AEMTs and Paramedics who are due to recertify on March 31, 2022 will have no limits on Distributive Education. The same will apply to EMRs due to recertify on September 30, 2022. This allows all continuing education to be accomplished online through any state-accepted or CAPCE-accredited program or education site. Of course, in-person continuing education will also be accepted.
- EMR - Click Here for Requirements
- EMT - Click Here for Requirements
- AEMT - Click Here for Requirements
- NRP - Click Here for Requirements
- All EMTs, AEMTs and Paramedics who are due to recertify on March 31, 2022 will have no limits on Distributive Education. The same will apply to EMRs due to recertify on September 30, 2022. This allows all continuing education to be accomplished online through any state-accepted or CAPCE-accredited program or education site. Of course, in-person continuing education will also be accepted.
Beginning April 15, 2022, the National Registry will be transitioning to a new software platform for administering its examinations. This software upgrade comes with a few modifications to examination scheduling and delivery that candidates may notice. Some of the updates to highlight that go into effect on April 15 are:
- Candidates logging in to schedule examinations will notice they cannot schedule any online proctored (OnVUE) examinations beyond April 11, 2022. This temporary inconvenience is necessary as part of our software upgrade.
- Testing center examination scheduling will not be impacted.
- On April 15, 2022, candidates will be able to resume scheduling their examinations via OnVUE.
- Candidates will select their delivery method (testing center or online proctored) and schedule their examination on Pearson VUE’s website.
- The EMR level cognitive examination will be available as an online proctored examination starting April 15, 2022.
- Both EMR and EMT providers will be able to use OnVUE testing for recertification by examination beginning April 15, 2022.
- Our EMT OnVUE examination will be updated to use our computer adaptive format (CAT) and reflect the same experience as the testing centers. This will change the length of the OnVUE examination from a fixed set of 110 questions to a variable between 70-120 questions.
- The AEMT level cognitive examination will no longer be available as an online proctored examination. AEMT will be administered at Pearson VUE testing centers only.
BLS Certification Testing
- Cognitive Exams – Normal processes are in place for the National Registry cognitive exam. Beginning April 15, 2022, all Basic Life Support (BLS) examinations will have an online proctored (OnVUE) in addition to the testing center options. Pearson VUE OnVUE is available for EMT candidates who are unable to access testing at a Pearson Test Center due to lack of available seats. Please direct your candidates to learn more about Pearson OnVUE Remote Proctored Exams by visiting: https://home.pearsonvue.com/nremt/onvue
- Psychomotor Exams – The Office of EMS Management Team has suspended indefinitely BLS psychomotor testing pending decisions by the Training & Certification and Medical Direction Committees. Use of the TR.999 will serve as the verification of competency until further notice.
ALS Certification Testing
- Cognitive Exams – Normal processes are in place for the National Registry cognitive exam. Beginning April 15, 2022, all Advanced Life Support (ALS) examinations will only be administered at Pearson VUE Test Centers—remote proctoring via Pearson OnVUE is not permitted for ALS candidates.
- Psychomotor Exams – The ALS Testing Calendar on the OEMS website can be found at: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/emergency-medical-services/virginia-national-registry-psychomotor-examination-schedule/
Regulation & Compliance
- Antigen Testing
- Guidance Document for Antigen Testing by EMS Providers
- Policy for Vaccine Administration by EMS Providers in Virginia
- This document was updated February 2021 and is to guide agencies in the creation of internal vaccination programs.
- Procedure for Partnership with Local Health District and EMS Provider
- This document is to guide EMS agencies/providers on participating as vaccinators in partnership with the Local Health District.
- Immunization Guide for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Personnel in Virginia
- Advanced EMT’s are now included by Code of Virginia 54.1-3408
- Vaccination Toolkit for EMS Medical Directors
- Advanced EMT’s are now included by Code of Virginia 54.1-3408
General COVID-19 Disease Information
Commissioner's COVID-19 Updates
Featured Resources
- Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines Including Boosters
- OSHA Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace
- Risk for Acquiring COVID-19 Illness among Emergency Medical Service Personnel Exposed to Aerosol-Generating Procedures
- Antigen Test Kit Expiration Date Memo Updated January 2022
- FAQ about EMS Workplaces and COVID-19 Restrictions/Precautions (06/09/21)
- COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance: All-Hazards Incident Response & Recovery
- National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness
- COVID-19 Vaccine Information
- COVID-19 Pandemic: Personal Protective Equipment Preservation Best Practices
- COVID-19 Mental Health Resources for First Responders
- Signs and Symptoms Coronavirus Disease 2019
- Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic
- Strategies to Mitigate Healthcare Personnel Staffing Shortages
- Decontamination and Reuse of Filtering Facepiece Respirators
- Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of PPE
- CDC.gov – Understanding Exposure Risks
- CDC.gov – Isolation and Exposure Calculator
- CDC.gov – Caring for People with Post-COVID Conditions
Communications Resources for PSAPs
COVID-19 information for PSAPs
- PSAP Screening for COVID-19 v.3.17.20
- Virginia Department of Health Coronavirus Website
- EMS Infectious Disease Playbook
- Interim Guidance for Managing Healthcare Personnel with SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Exposure to SARS-CoV-2
- If COVID-19 is identified, healthcare personnel are assessed and classified as high-, medium-, or low-risk depending on multiple factors
- Exposure duration, patient symptoms, if patient was wearing facemask, aerosol-generating procedures, and type of PPE used by healthcare personnel
- Recommendations for monitoring for COVID-19 and work restrictions depend on exposure risk classification
- LHD will work with each facility to outline roles and responsibilities